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We share our impressions on the implementation of the project with an elusive target audience

We share our impressions on the implementation of the project with an elusive target audience for face-to-face and distance tests in the regions of the Russian Federation.

On July 26, the ADS team recruited respondents who regularly pay for a subscription to an "online cinema" on their smartphones and purchase films online. The difficulty of recruiting in the regions of the Russian Federation was to find respondents who pay for a subscription from a card or from a phone for more than 3 months, and do not use free certificates. Another complicating criterion was that in addition to subscriptions, respondents had to buy paid movies.

Many respondents from the regions of the Russian Federation use online services for free and can watch online films on third-party resources, so it is difficult to select a user who pays for a subscription in order to watch films or TV series for a fee.

The advantage of the fact that the study was carried out remotely was that the respondent did not need to come to the office of the company.

The respondent could complete the survey from any point convenient to him using a Skype interview. He did not need to waste time on the road and take time off from work for interviews. The study took place in comfortable and familiar conditions for the respondent, there was no need to change the usual environment, which even more encouraged conversation.

The company conducting the study significantly optimized the budget for transportation costs, managers independently interviewed respondents via Skype. They only needed help in finding this target audience, in which we directly helped them.

At the moment, the ADS agency is actively developing its own network in the regions of the Russian Federation. Now agency employees have the opportunity to recruit for online surveys of residents of different regions, if there are no complex selection criteria or quotas for a certain number of respondents in each city. We also have the opportunity to recruit respondents for remote Skype interviews in the absence of strict quotas, recruitment criteria and there are no requirements for a certain number of respondents from each region. You might be wondering why is that?

The fact is that the ADS agency does not cooperate with third-party partners or freelance recruiters and is gradually developing its own network, so ADS employees always provide you with information about the timing and cost of a recruit from the first hand and this happens promptly.

If you have a need for recruiting respondents from Moscow, we will always help you, but if you need respondents for remote Skype tests or online surveys, we will first need to assess our capabilities in terms of the inaccessibility of the audience and quotas for the number of respondents from certain cities

We will try to help you, since the recruiting direction in the regions is still in the process of development and the recruitment in the regions is a labor-intensive process in itself, but at the moment we can already offer you such an option for interaction.



Рекрутинг респондентов

You can contact us in any way convenient for you: by writing an email , calling us , filling out the request form for recruiting respondents, sending a request to the messenger .

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