Agency services / Recruit respondents
Успех проекта зависит от рекрутинга и компетентных по данной тематике респондентов.
Мы помогаем компаниям и корпорациям достигать большего в своем бизнесе, с помощью верных респондентов, как следствие получение точных данных.
На выходе благодаря верно подобранным респондентам, вы получаете данные, с которыми можно работать, которые можно внедрять, не опасаясь за дальнейшую репутацию вашей компании, пока ваши конкуренты опрашивают не верно подобранных респондентов и затем выводят на рынок продукт, в дальнейшем не пользующийся спросом, Вы блистаете на рынке, получая прибыль от потребителей и захватывая в свои сети все новых и новых клиентов.
The ADS agency has a big base of respondents (over 55 thousand people), various experts of commodity markets and services, respondents of high social prosperity (premium segment), respondents of an average class are also included. The base constantly is replenished with the new respondents who weren't taking part earlier in researches which are actively recruited in shopping centers and other places of people congestion by a snowball and by means of the acquired techniques.
The agency doesn't resort to services of third-party recruiters. ADS has the recruited staff.
All your projects are supervised directly by the head of the agency, at any time you will be able to contact him directly and to discuss each issue!
Our staff guarantees an instant response to your inquiry. You quickly obtain information on quotations and terms of service performance of respondents recruiting.
We provide services without advance payment, you pay only for the respondent who has participated in a research and corresponded to all criteria of Technical Prescription.
Your employees will be saved from stressful work with a large number of recruiters, thereby the efficiency of your business will increase!
Services of the agency aren't assessed with the VAT.
Average terms of work: 3-4 working days.
Working with us, you receive the following services:
The Formation of the working group of recruiters
Task distribution
The organization of respondents search process for carrying out a research
Formulation and statement of tasks before recruiters and tracking correctness of their performance
Control of work progress (control of collecting field information)
Maintenance and maintaining database of respondents
The check of the respondents found recruiters according to databases
Screening of respondents
Control of respondent appearance to a research.
Expeditious replacement of respondents in case of need
Drawing up sheets to employees following the results of work on the project.
The respondents recruiting control:
After the respondent participation in a research, we enter his data in the base and we have an opportunity to invite him once again after 6 months from the moment of participation.
A talk with respondents is registered by the manager before inviting the expert to participation, listens to record and estimates the level of respondent’s competence. During communication, our employee asks some questions concerning respondent’s experience and direct labor duties or asks to tell more details about the consumption experience of these or those goods. If the respondent is at a loss with answers, can't answer questions in detail, then such respondent is filtered and not invited to participate.
Thus, our expert screening the respondents and estimate the level of their competence, proceeding from whether to a descent the respondent answers the questions posed, asks additional questions, regarding scopes of a research.
In case of arisen doubts, this respondent isn't allowed to participate in a research. Often, we ask respondents to send a screenshot from a private office if it is the user of a certain bank, we ask for direct screenshots of the check or a photo of the purchases that increase the competence of the recruited respondents. Also, respondents are checked on base for non-participation in researches for the last 6 months. The base unites the marketing agencies and the companies of medium and large business.